Submit abstract

Submission of abstracts and panel submissions

Abstract submission closed on 30th September 2017. Review is in progress.

All Panel and individual paper proposals are being made through an EasyChair system that has been tailored to the needs of this conference.

You may submit a proposal for a Panel through EasyChair (you must create an account first).

You can submit an abstract for an individual paper presentation or a panel proposal through EasyChair. Abstracts may be up to 500 words in length (including any data examples and references).

For ease of reference, submission instructions may be downloaded as PDFs below:

Please note that whether you are presenting as part of a panel, or giving an individual paper presentation, you may be first author on only one presentation. You may be second+ author on other presentations, but only one submission for which you are sole or first author will be eligible. Presentations will be included in the eventual programme only when the first author has registered for the conference.

Enquiries about panel and abstract submissions may be made to

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Further panels will not be advertised after the submission date. All submissions, whether for panels or for individual papers, must be completed by the submission date. Panels are all organised in advance.
  • Do not worry if you see a similar panel to yours, or if your paper might have fit into a panel but was not accepted or you were not able to liaise with those panel organisers. These overlaps will get worked out in scheduling, and will not affect the scientific committee’s decision on the merits of the abstract.
  • You do not have to have a paper on a panel to be accepted. You are very welcome to submit a paper on an individual basis.
  • If you want your paper to be considered as a solo paper in case your panel is not accepted, you simply tick a box during the submission process.
  • You do not need to name discussants – simply state that you intend to have one. An individual can be named as a discussant for more than one panel.
  • If the panel is accepted, but there are fewer than three (3) papers accepted on said panel, then you may end up sharing a slot. Also, a submission for an individual presentation might be programmed to be given as part of a panel, if the topic links closely to a panel which has slots available.
  • The EasyChair submission system may distort the alignment of data fragments. Please be assured that this will not compromise the evaluation of your submission.